Situated near Bran and Braşov, is a national monument and landmark in Romania. The fortress is situated on the border between Transylvania and Wallachia. Commonly known as "Dracula's Castle" (although it is one among several locations linked to the Dracula legend, including Poenari Castle and Hunyad Castle). The castle is now a museum open to tourists, displaying art and furniture collected by Queen Marie. At the bottom of the hill is a small open air museum park exhibiting traditional Romanian peasant structures (cottages, barns, etc.) from across the country.
En aquest enllaç he trobat la informació sobre Sean Quigley.
Sean Quigley is a 16 year old student from Oak Park High School. About a month ago he got the idea to make a Youtube video. He chose to do a version of Little Drummer Boy because the song resonated with him. "Little Drummer Boy speaks to me so much....The whole song is a story - it's about this boy who gets word of Jesus being born and he goes to see him and he doesn't have anything to give him; he's like 'I don't have money, I don't have gifts to give you. But I can play my drum and that's more than enough'." - Sean Quigley
The video is amazing. What makes it so remarkable is that Sean played all the instruments, sang the vocals, recorded everything and shot, directed and edited the video.
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