Saturday, 31 March 2012
Friday, 30 March 2012
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Monday, 26 March 2012
Gracias a la vida
"Gracias a la vida" is a song written by Violeta Parra, a Chilean artist.
In this video Mercedes Sosa, an Argentine singer, is playing and singing "Gracias a la vida".
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Olympic Mascots
Generally, the Olympics mascot is an animal or human figure representing the cultural heritage of the host country and was first introduced in the year 1968. Schuss, a cartoon-like character on skis, was the unofficial mascot of the 1968 Winter Games in Grenoble. However, the first official mascot in the history of Summer Olympic made its appearance at the 1972 Munich Summer Games, ever since Olympic Mascots have become a main element of the Summer Games. As a unique and popular image full of vitality, a mascots is able to materialize the Olympic spirit, communicate the concepts of each Summer Games, promote the history and culture of the host city and create a festive atmosphere for the Games. Mascots act as a significant vehicle for communicating the Olympic spirit to the general public, especially children and youth. Whatever shapes they have, they fundamentally share a creative rationale, that is, the mascots must be able to convey the theme of the Summer Games, showcase the distinctive geographical features, history and culture unique to the host city.

With the motto of spreading prosperity, happiness, passion, health and good luck across the continents, Fuwa, 2008 Beijing Summer Games Mascots, offers a warm invitation for the 2008 Summer Games.
Beibei: Beibei is known to be gentle and purest among Fuwa and reflects the blue Olympic rings. The fish and water designs are symbols of prosperity and harvest in Chinese culture and art. Beibei reflects the strength in water sports.
Jingjing: Jingjing, one of the five dolls of 2008 Beijing Summer Games Mascots, symbolizes blessing of happiness wherever he goes. The lotus designs in Jingjing's headdress represent the lush green forest and man’s harmonious relationship with nature. Jingjing reflects the black Olympic rings. He shows the strength in athletics.
Huanhuan: Better known as big brother among Fuwa, Huanhuan represents red Olympic rings. As a child of fire, he symbolizes the Olympic Flame and the passion of sport. It is believed that wherever he goes he inspires all with the passion to run faster, jump higher and be stronger. Huanhuan reflects the excellence in ball games.
Yingying: Yingying as a symbol of being fast and agile represents the yellow Olympic rings. It reflects the strength in track and field events.
Nini:Nini symbolize the infinite sky and spread good-luck as a blessing. It represents the green Olympic rings and reflects strength in gymnastics.

Waldi--mascot of 1972 Olympic Summer Games in Munich, Germany
Waldi, the dachshund. Very popular in Bavaria, but he also possesses qualities which are indispensable to an athlete: resistance, tenacity and agility. These are among the reasons he was chosen to be the mascot. He was dressed in pastel colors to express the gaiety and joy of the Olympic festival.

Sam the Eagle--mascot of the 1984 Olympic Summer Games in Los Angeles, USA
Designed by Walt Disney, Sam is a cartooned Eagle with sheer American characteristics who wears the dress of the legendary American Uncle Sam with a star-spangled background in red, white and blue, typical colors of USA. Commercial use of olympic mascots was initiated henceforth.

The Moscow Olympic bear Misha was developed by the renowned illustrator of children's books Victor Chizikov. Misha became an instant international success

It was a beaver called Amik, a name taken from the Algonquian language, which is the most popular language amongst the American Indians in Canada. Amik means beaver.The beaver symbolizes hard work

Cobi -- mascot of the 1992 Olympic Summer Games in Barcelona, Spain
The mascot was a dog named Cobi. The Barcelona Organizing Committee for Olympics had specially produced a TV series for Cobi to communicate the spirits of the Games. The Valencian artist, Javier Mariscal, created the dog Cobi as official mascot of the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Per a què em pot servir el què he après?
Per sebre més coses de Menorca.
Estic satisfet amb el què he après?
Sí. perquè hem aprés molta més cosa d'anglés.
Què m'agradat més?
La Mola. Perquè és molt polida.
Què no m'ha agradat tant?
Cala Galdana.
Quins problemes he trobat al llarg de l'activitat?
Per a què em pot servir el què he après?
A millorar s'escriptura amb l'ordinador.
Estic satisfet amb el què he après?
Sí .
Què m'ha agradat més?
Posar les fotografies.
Què no m'ha agradat tant?
Escriure els noms.
Quins problemes he trobat al llarg de l'activitat?
Cap. Hem triat molt bé les fotografies junts. Ho hem fet tot en equip.
Per a què em pot servir el què he après? Perquè pots aprendre mes anglès i xerrar més bé.
Estic satisfet amb el què he après? Sí, m'agrada molt fer aquest treball, he acabat just a temps i ho hem fet molt bé. També ens pot servir per fer altres presentacions.
Què m'ha agradat més? A jo m'han agradat molt les fotos de la presentació. També m'agrada molt fer treballs en parella.
Make a presentation about the Top 10 places to visit in Minorca.
Make 10 slides.
One slide: One sentence + One picture.
Use the classbook and watch this video .
Després de veure com es fa una presentació fareu, en parelles, una presentació sobre els 10 millors llocs de Menorca.
Finalment reflexionarem sobre el què hem fet.