Friday, 27 November 2009
Thursday, 26 November 2009
6è: "London"
Sunday, 22 November 2009
5è: Serengeti

En aquest vídeo veuràs molts dels animals que hi ha a Serengeti.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
5è: Animals.
5è: "Guess the animals".
Exercise: What are they?
1. They're ______________.
2. They're ______________.
3. They're ______________.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
6è: Activitats sobre "Comparative adjectives".
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
6è: "Comparatives"
6è: Adjectives.
One syllable adjectives: Add "-er" to end of the adjective (double the final consonant if preceded by a vowel).Example: cheap/cheaper, big/bigger. Yesterday was hotter than today.
Two syllable adjectives ending in "-y": Remove the "y" from the adjective and add "ier". Example: happy/happier. I am happier than you.Two, three or more syllable adjectives: Place "more" before the adjective.
Example: interesting/more interesting, difficult/more difficult. London is more expensive than Barcelona.
One syllable adjectives: Place "the" before the adjective and add "-est" to end of the adjective. Example: cold/the coldest. Today is the coldest day of the autumn.
Two, three or more syllable adjectives: Place "the most" before the adjective. Example: difficult/the most difficult. London is the most expensive city in England.
- good/better/the best
- bad/worse/the worst
EXERCISE: Find the information you need (wikipedia): Location (país), prominence (altura) and length (llargària).
How high is mount ...? 1.Mount Everest 2.Aconcagua 3.Mount Fuji 4.Teide
How long is the...? 1.Mississippi River 2. River Thames 3. River Nile 4. Amazon RiverWrite 10 sentences. Use the comparative and superlative form.
Example: Mount Everest is higher than _____________.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Sunday, 8 November 2009
3er: "Numbers from 1 to 20".
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
"5th November"
Five men, lead by Robert Catesby, met together in a pub. One of the conspirators was Guy Fawkes (he was born in York).
Lord Monteagle received a letter warning him not to attend the opening of the Houses of Parliament.
Guy Fawkes was discovered in the cellar below Parliament..."
Aquí trobaràs més informació sobre la festa.

"Pumpkin pie"
Dessert Pies:
How To Make Pumpkin Pie
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
5th November: "Guy Fawkes Day (Bonfire Night)"
- El 5 de novembre de 1605, Guy Fawkes amb altres persones van decidir fer volar el parlament anglès. Algú el va delatar i el van fer pres abans que cremés amb pólvora el parlament. Avui en dia es celebra aquesta festa als parcs d'Anglaterra: es fan festers, la gent menja patates torrades... hi ha focs d'artifici i a vegades es crema un "ninot" dalt el fester recordant el què volia fer Guy Fawkes amb el rei JamesI.
- En aquesta web trobarà informació de què faran enguany a Londres per celebrar la festa de Guy Fawkes.
- I en aquesta la història de la festa.
- En aquesta web podràs escoltar una filleta de 8 anys com explica la festa de Guy Fawkes. Quan vagis a la pàgina, fent clic al dibuix que hi ha baix, podràs pitjar damunt el trianglet, escoltar i seguir la lectura.